WTS: Rally GL-400 Lespaul w/ seymour duncan/gibson pickups

Maple Chapel

New member
Hi all,

I am selling a Rally GL-400 lespaul. Great guitar! Feel free to arrange with me and come down to test it if you'd like :)

Guitar is selling at $430 @ SVguitars:http://www.svguitars.com/products/Rally-GL%2d400-BK{47}WH.html

You have a choice, upon purchase, to choose the pickups:

1) Seymour Duncan Invaders (zebra, black/cream), [$330 total cost w/ guitar]
2) Gibson 490r 490t (black), [$300 total cost w/ guitar]
3) No pickups, $190 [total cost w/ guitar]

Condition of the guitar is still good. Some minor light scratches, that only can be seen under light, and a small white thing at the neck (im also not too sure what it is, looks like a finish blemish. Can see in the pics below)

If keen, please contact me at 9450 5462.


