Some Noob Question


New member
hoping someone can help me with some questions that I have.

Have been fooling around with reason, vsti with DAWs(Ableton, Cubase). The thing is, the sound from my computer sound weak and I have purchase a FP10 (Mainly for recording) to boast up the sound during performance.

I am going to purchase a mac book and would like to find out if I need to purchase a audio Interface to boost up the sound and what audio interface is recommended if so.

Hi nene

When you mentioned "boost up the sound". Do you mean the sound is soft or it lack the 'punch'?

What speakers are you using to listen to the playback?

Since you already have the FP10, you may want to get a mac with firewire input.
Hi nene

When you mentioned "boost up the sound". Do you mean the sound is soft or it lack the 'punch'?

What speakers are you using to listen to the playback?

Since you already have the FP10, you may want to get a mac with firewire input.

I think it lack the punch... I am thinking about getting the macbook pro since nowadays only macbook pro have the firewire port. Is there anything out in the market that is more portable as i do not have a rack and FP10 is quite big to carry around for gig.
FP10 is quite small for the amount of input it give you. Unless you only use a fraction of the input then you can buy much smaller interface.
nene : you haven't really told us what you're using it for. purpose?

Sorry was outstation.

Idea was to gig with it. Like performing using Reason. When i tried it out during jamming, the sound quality sound weak(no punch so to speak and also sound quite hollow)

- macbook
- FP10 (Looking to replace with another that support usb 2.0)
- controller
Changing other audio interface will not solve your problem if you do not have good patches, digging parameter on patches, putting effect with patches. In short, how well you choose your source and mixing. You could buy higher quality interface, but doesn't mean it give you punch.
FP10 indeed is bulky (as an ex-owner of the firepod) for performing especially when you're using not ALL of the 8 inputs right? heheh. so maybe consider something mini and buspowered like Presonus Audiobox USB or if you require more inputs the FireStudio Mobile (but firewire) which you can find the details here

2nd issue, your sound. as you said no punch, sound weak, you will need to load more "powerful sound modules" if I make any sense. or add EQ on it. or onstage they gotta crank your sound more than the other instruments. in jam room the rest are probably draining you out.