Second Handed Hofner 500/1


New member
Hey people, would like to ask, where can I get a second-handed Hofner 500/1 bass guitar (Vintage 62) left handed?

Cos I've check out with both Swee Ling and Davis Guitar.

Swee Ling - $3,900
Davis Guitar - $3,200

Still slightly beyond my budget. Hence I'm going for second handed. I know those price stated above are pretty reasonable, but still beyond my budget.

My friend saw one the another day, forgot where, but its selling for $1,200.

Anyway, any kind soul can please tell me where I can get a second handed Hofner 500/1. Thanks.

Here a picture of it.

Thanks in advance! :mrgreen:
Damn sweet. If you happen to go to Japan, you should be able to find some there. I saw a few in Hokkaido when I went in December. Quite cheap 1k plus, second hand I guess.
Damn sweet. If you happen to go to Japan, you should be able to find some there. I saw a few in Hokkaido when I went in December. Quite cheap 1k plus, second hand I guess.

Ah! You're a Beatles fan don't you? HAHA! :mrgreen: