Repairing bass pedals


New member
Hello guys,

a pic of the 2 pedals

Used the pedals with care, but the Russian pedal has loosen knobs and faulty input jack, the NYC pedal won't work.
Brought the NYC to SVguitar but the professional frankly told me that it's more worthwhile to purchase a new one, and then I couldn't understand any other jargon he mentioned lol. Well I'd still like to give this warranty-less pedal a one last chance...

Recommendation needed
What are the music shops that repair pedals at a reasonable price? Preferably a shop that is easily accessible by public transport. BTW I'll be visiting city music in a couple of days

Thank you in advance,
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On your bass big muff ("NYC big muff" usually refers to this one): If you're not able to figure out what's wrong, then the repair person will need to spend time diagnosing the problem, which will mean a service fee, which can run anywhere from $50 upwards. Couple this with the actual repair cost, this is what the staff probably meant by saying it's more worth your money to just buy a new one. And if you buy from a dealer it'd be covered by warranty.

On your Russian muff, you can bring it to Sound Alchemy at Peninsula basement, or look up the custom builders that lurk around the forums, like the builder reviewed in this thread:

City Music won't be able to help you, not officially, since they're not EHX dealers. The staff might be able to give you tips/advice on who to look for, if you ask nicely. :)