Post rock/ Post metal drummer available

Leandro Crispim

New member
Hey guys,

Long shot here, Im a drummer trying to find some bandmates to play post rock/metal influenced by bands like Pelican, russian circles, deafheaven, bossk etc, basically anything along the lines of what you see playing at Dunk!festival etc.

Basically just looking for some open minded people who are into creating music and have fun, i know the CB makes things a lot more difficult, but would be nice for now to share some ideas and do some dirty home recordings until we can get things going. Not going crazy about playing gigs for now, just want to build some solid foundations first.

Even if you are not so into post metal but are open to create some cool heavy/trippy music without vocals just drop me a line on whatsapp 88238342

Ive done my years playing on metalcore/hardcore bands, even though i still enjoy it, im not sure if im keen to get back to it, but if you have cool ideas im open to listen!
