Pop Piano Lesson


New member
Hi everybody :-D

Would appreciate if someone can outline for me how is the lesson conducted for pop piano. (Is it the same as classical piano lesson, whereby, the teacher will teach theory and method of playing a piece?)

Thanks in advance :p
Classical normally tell you to read from score and play very single note correctly. Advantage you will able to read score. If you take theory, you can make up what happen in that score in later in your free time.

Pop may or may not read score. But you must be taught to understand chords and playing style. Read chord is your bare minimum.Normally, the score will have melody line and chords or lyrics and chords. In short, fake sheet. Pop normally follow classical theory minus the ability to read notes.
Hi kongwee

Thank you for replying :-D

Just started my pop piano lesson and I'm hoping to achieve the ability to read/improvise fake sheets. I can read musical notes but theory wise zzzzzzzz. Do you have any tips that can help me in this area? Upon each lesson, I'll be given a piano piece or fake sheet to improvise and I find it taxing (don't really know how to get started & the mind is completely blank :confused:)

Btw, do I have to memorize all chords and inversion? :confused:
It is important know how to form the chords of all kind. Not al chord formation you could practice. Only triads and seventh you could practice. It is better to buy a chords scale book and practices some of them. For other colour chord, you only encounter them by songs. Maybe your instructor can formulate some practice.
traids and seventh = major, minor dominant 7 including their inversion? Where can I purchase the chord scale book, any recomendations?

Thanks once again for your help :-D

Have a pleasent weekend.

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