Play like the original album instrumental ?


New member
Hi there,

Can anyone advise how to play like the original album instrumental on the keyboard ? Not sure if this is considered as one man band ? I am using the Korg PA50. Is there any alternative keyboard model that is good for such purpose ?

Thank you.
It is not possible unless you do arrangement yourself. Also it is very hard to get close to what you want too.
To have accompaniment exactly like the original, you'll need to sequence the song - note for note, instrument by instrument. With an arranger keyboard like PA50, you'll not be able to achieve that as the styles are pre-programmed.

Furthermore, you'll need decent sound quality to match the original.

It's not impossible to make it almost the same as the original. I've done it many times. You'll need either a workstation (keyboard with sequencer built-in) or a software sequencer (like Cubase or Sonar). For sounds, a good keyboard may give you close to what you need. Otherwise, you may need to expand the sound via sound modules, or software plugins. Simplest way is to get a workstation (eg. Yamaha Motif, Roland Fantom, Korg Triton etc).

These are the hardware requirements. Next, you need a good ear to transcribe the original piece into notation - instrument by instrument and note for note. Then you'll need to sequence it. Sequencing skills is the final step - bad sequencing makes it sound like cheesy computer music. While sequencing is not difficult in itself, getting a sequence to sound good require experience. You'll have to play around with it and experiement.