Pentatonics on bass

Ascending in G (minor)

D---------3 5
A-----3 5-----
E 3 6----------

This the minor pentatonic , or more commonly known as THE pentatonic scale.

Ascending in G (major)

D ---------2 5
A ----2 5------
E 3 5-----------

Feel free to improvise or create your own exercises based on this!
pentatonic scales

Penta means 5 so basically penta-tonic would mean 5-tonic or 5 note scale.
Actually there are many pentatonic scales that people use. Not flaming anyone, rylche dont get me wrong, but the G minor is not THE pentatonic scale.

To get a short cycle of pentatonic scales take a C major scale C D E F G A B C and take out your 4 and 7 notes, you will get C D E G A C, thats your major pentatonic, the relative minor to this would be starting at the 5 note of this or the 6 note of the original scale, the A. A C D E G A.

To play this start with your middle finger on your A string 3 fret, or your C note and just move down your strings;

A STRING 3 fret 5 fret, Played with middle and last finger
D STRING 2 fret 5 fret, played with pointy and last finger
G STRING 2 fret 5 fret, Played with pointy and last finger

The A minor works on the same principle as this remember 1 finger per fret, isolate the 4 frets that you will be using at first to train you muscle memory.
Starting on the D E G notes will provide you with another 3 pentatonic scales.




these 5 scales are the pentatonic scale modes and all of them can be used over most modal songs, or songs that dont change key in simple terms in C. The fingerings for all of the scales are different but they are all basically the same scales. remember use tastefully to prevent sounding like chinese music everytime you use it. For listening go and buy a few stanly clarke albums and have a listen, victor wooten as well.

sorry for the long post. cheers
Sorry! I thought it was the most common pentatonic scale. Nvm, we all do learn everyday, don't we? :oops:
bassics : bro,just curious,the tab that rylche post is G minor pentatonic,i thought it is supposed to be correct?
yeah its correct, i was only sayin that it is not THE pentatonic scale. lol Cause in the long run it might cause some confusion for the guy if he encounters other pentatonic scales. :)
Haha yeah cos i thought the minor pentatonic scale was the most common. Note that I did not mean that the Gmin scale itself is the ONLY scale.
The third is omitted coz it gives the colouration of major or minor.
The 7th is omitted coz it gives that maj7/dom7 colouration.

So running a C pentatonic over a Cmaj / Cmin/ C7/ Cmaj7 / Cmin7, Csus7 etc should sound "in"
bassics: bro,i lousy in scale,so you mean that there are other pentatonic scales?other than minor penta and major penta?
yup there are other scales that are penta-tonic. john pattituci uses one good example , cant quite remember wat its called but its based off a natural minor scale. 1 2 b3 5 b6 1 sounds very japanese, think its jap scale lol.
Actually I think if it's practice for fretboard memory and ear training, it's better to use the major and minor scales, or the modes. The way I see it, pentatonics are derived from "bigger" scales anyway.

As for practice on the standard major and minor pentatonics... I believe you should easily get whatever you might need to do on the pentatonics if you have done your scales/modes well.

Maybe one application of pentatonics in practice is on right hand plucking. Most likely, you'll play exactly 2 notes on each string when you run up and down a pentatonic scale. I see it as good training for your right hand, especially when you go up in speed, and incorporate various right hand fingering patterns.
just wanna add

actually there are many pentatonics....

pentatonic is a basic musical "feel" around the world, i think before the 7 notes we know nowadays the "old" people used pentatonics...

like arabic, japanese, chinese pentatonics... if u hear like "aqueous transmission" by incubus..that one using a chinese pentatonic...or the classic "come out and play" by offspring it's use like an arabic pentatonic... (anyway this is just my analysis)

im from indonesia, and there are javanese pentatonic, sundanese pentatonic, balinese pentatonic, bataknese pentatonic,'s a wonder how only five notes arrangement can make different ethnic group, sounds different...

anyway this is what i know..feel free to correct me...