Mix This : Zoom H2 (Layer Recording)


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[highlight]Click here to go to the "Review : Zoom H2" thread![/highlight]

Okay so now down to the fun part. Doing layer recording with the Zoom H2! what is it and how, you might ask?
2 methods of recording possible on H2 , Audio Interface Mode (requires laptop/computer) and SD Card standalone mode (requires SD card and controlling on the small screen on the H2). choice is yours.

1) Guitarist > pedal > headphone output to drummer as guide OR
Ipod/mp3 player playing a guitarist's DIY bedroom recording and then drummer listens to the recording at the jamming studio and the H2 is recording the drums.

(the reason why I'm using the "rear" mics because of its 120degree radius. opens up the space in the middle for the vocals later.)

2) Guitar layer recording (refer to photo inside box.net link)

3) followed by Bass (refer to photo inside box.net link)

4) Vocals.. (refer to photo inside box.net link)

and the reason for you being here? "Mix This" means I post up the tracks for you guys to experiment and observe H2 in action. [highlight][Link To Download][/highlight]
The tracks are in 320kbps mp3 format. Unfortunately I don't have the bandwidth means to host the original .wav , but all you're gonna lose is inaudible highs from 16khz-20khz++ onwards and if you're looking at Zoom H2 and being particular about studio worldclass quality you're looking in the wrong place.

(the audio in the video is the R16 Layer version, you'll find my H2 mix inside the box.net link)

So go ahead and post your version of your mix, host it on mediafire.com/box.net etc. I'd like to thank the band for permit to commit their time to record and release as the review recording took literally from day till night. Please do not criticise much on the "performance" as I was rushing this recording and the purpose was to just simply demonstrate for SOFT.

Enjoy and have fun!

Credits : The Inimical Alternative - "Narcissist"

-Ron (www.blueprintstudios.org)
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I actually went to mix this when you posted the thread but never got to finish it. Anyways had a little time today so...

"quad tracked" the guitars panning them at 100% and 75%, one being rather compressed chimey, chirpy high end stuff panned hard and slightly eq'd guitars at 75%.

Vocals are pretty much standard stuff, eq, compression, reverb, some delay, de-esser.

Tried some drum replacements with drumagog on the snare and kick, did not do on the toms cause I was lazy :D Pretty challenging since it was a stereo drum track, still kinda pleased with the tracking of the vst though.
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xfigox : good mix man,smooth sounding i love the "mysterious" delay/echo approach on the vocals, but personally prefer only at the "last word at the end of each line" , cos the echo does mess up the verse vocals.
yeah although the triggering is not perfect, but the idea is there. would be a whole load more effort required when you try trigger the ghost notes. good shot at triggering from the stereo drums man.

lastly,this is just my own personal taste, just take note what works for you, there's some kinda excessive "brilliance" in your EQ on the highs of the drums. it's obvious whenever I hear the ride/hihat.

thanks for joining in the fun!
Thanks! Its been a great learning experience especially when you have to work with what you have. There's indeed excessive "brilliance" on the drums, I'll definitely take note of the tips there!
Well exactly.technically you created this mix from a bunch of zoom h2 recordings.if put in better effort or if "I" layered more guitars.could have passed well as a decent sounding production!
Just came across this folder sitting on my desktop. Didn't have a chance to mix it last time, thought i'd give it a try now.


I EQ'ed the drums taking the snare and kick as a reference. For the bass, I added a parallel channel with a slight grit. I also "quad-tracked" the guitar but pulled it back behind the mix slightly especially towards the end as it was getting slightly messy there. And for vocals, EQ'ed away a bit of the nasal-ness and made the main channel fatter, with a sort of lo-fi parallel channel with slight echo. Was aiming to make it smoother.

Tried doing some EQ techniques to make the 4 tracks sit nicely together. The trade off was some top end clarity was lost. Think I over did it slightly cause I kinda like the clarity in Ron's mix. Overall, I felt that controlling the tone and balance of the cymbals were the hardest part.
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