*Mandoband Rejuvenation


New member
LF a mando drummer to band in 1-2 weeks time

songs: soda green, mayday, etc

commitment: once per 3-4 weeks

studio in chinatown or orchard

weekday evening 8pm till morning 8am... kidding... 8-10pm



your fullname, gender, age (23-30), hp number, self intro, and a link to your mando drumming

we start 3-piece. female vox and an intermediate keyboarder ready to roll... drummer can be lady or manhunt, just dont be late

bass can add later

this is not a guitar band , so drummers who must insist guitars can skip...

see ya!
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sweet lady vocalist found.

mando drummers,

you may

1) wait for us to put up a sample of her singing in 3 days time
2) apply now.

the fastest and competent will start with us on jamming in april 2019.
gigs may roll in may or june 2019.

bassists...standby in april for audition after 3-piece is formed.

we will make it 4.

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