Looking to offload my pedals and the pedalboard


New member
Hi All,

I'm lookin to offload my pedals while lookin to explore into digital efx. So if do indicate your interest if any of the pedals below catches you eyes.

condition ranges from 7 - 8/10.

Prices can be negotiated and all comes with boxes.

Below are the pedals listed

Dunlop 535Q Wah - $160
Ernieball Volume Pedal Jr -$100
Boss OD 3 - $60
TC Electronic Dark matter Dist (ac/dc style dist) - $120
Electro Harmonix Neo Clone (Mini ver of Small Clone) - $80
Source Audio programmable EQ - $200
Greenhouse Effects Retro Sky Delay (with inbuilt phaser ) - $200
Digitec Supernatural Reverb -$200
Sans Amp Para Driver Di - $200

Interested parties can whatsapp me at 90060647 for pics.