Looking for passionate, open-minded, versatile KEYBOARDIST

looking for keyboardist

the criteria are too specific.
1. age range of 20-30s... it appears that you want young looking members.
2. ethnicity... though you don't have any preference, most of you are chinese... so it may appear that you may want the same race, or one that looks like you.
3. availability... alas. there are indeed a lot of musicians.. but not too many keyboardists. most are already in a band, or are reluctant to be in a band with these qualifications (refer to 1 and 2). if you'd lower these three categories or just even try a sessionist, you might get lucky to have a new member. sometimes sessionists would forego their current band to stay in the one they're sessioning with, simply because of a harmonious atmosphere.

take care, and hope you finally get the keyboardist you need with these guidelines...:)
eiderglast, I find it rather unfair that you criticise our requirements.

1. We have the age requirement simply because we hope to find someone who we can get along with. And chances are, people around the same age group click better. It doesn't matter if you look young or old, if you are male/female, Chinese/Malay/Indian. In case you think we're discriminating old folks, we aren't. In fact, we're more worried about attracting immature young kids than the old steady ones.

2. For ethnicity, we're just stating our own. Despite what you are implying, we have tried out MANY musicians who aren't Chinese. Many of the non-Chinese musicians who have tried out with us would be able to testify, although I don't think that is necessary. The working language is English. As long as the band can communicate, we're happy.

3. We don't want sessionists simply because we cannot bear the heartbreak if/when he decides to stop playing with us. We want to build a serious relationship; we don't want flings or one night stands. There's nothing wrong with sessionists, we respect them a whole lot, but prefer to be a bit more conservative.

Like it or not, every band has some requirements. Many times the requirements are not communicated upfront, and it ends up in a lot of unhappiness. The reason we chose to be specific is to avoid attracting the wrong people, which will frankly just waste everybody's time. I don't think we are unreasonable in our requirements, but we just chose to be frank and state them upfront. A lot of those bands who don't state any requirements upfront usually have a hard time finding the right people and staying together as a team. Furthermore, except age and sex, most of our stated "requirements" are mostly just desirable attributes that all serious musicians possess.

And really, if you take a look at all the other threads in this forum, I'm sure you will agree that many of them have way tighter age and ethnicity requirements.

Hope you understand.
Although i dont' know superwoman Alberta,but i agree every band has their basic rights to lay down their own criterias.She is totally not wrong in that respect. Eiderglast, are you commenting on her criterias for the sake of other keyboardists or are u one yourself but failed to fit into point 1 and 2? if it's the later, then i would strongly recommend you to private message her abt it. But if it concerns u not,why don't u let her be? or is it her post/thread is too long?