Looking for Event Organizers in Indonesia (Metal)


New member
Hey there, on behalf of Reverse Edge Music (RevEd Music), i would like to extend an invitation to any Malaysian Metal gig organizers that are willing to join us for our future events. RevEd Music has plan to make an event for late 2011 which consist of our two neighbouring region, Malaysia & Indonesia, it will be a mix of a few of the three countries best acts in an event that will be touring around the three countries. It'll be a Metal event though. So that's why we need help from any organizers from Indonesia to assist us in our plans. Further detail will be make known to those who are willing to help us. Thank you for reading and hope to hear from you.

P.S: Organizers that are interested or have any questions please feel free to drop me an email at pol@reverseedgemusic.com.

RevEd Music