Looking for Bassist interested in JPop/Anisongs


New member

Ever come across a song that you refuse to skip when you are watching anime?

We are looking for a Bassist to join us.

Requirements are:

- 1. Committed: We usually jam once a week. Being willing to practise beforehand and come prepared.

- 2. Skill Level: We plan to grow together, so you need not be good. However, our current song list may be a bit tough for beginners (you can still try if you can commit to No.1 above). If you can play from tabs, you have made the bar.

We are a rock band currently doing JPop/Anisong covers.

After that, we will post satisfactory covers on NicoNico and Youtube like everyone else.

Our main influence is Supercell, Scandal, Supercell, etc.

If interested, please drop me a PM. Further inquiries will also be entertained.

Just to add on.

We are currently doing Supercell's Kimi No Shiranai Monogatari. Our next songs will be Supercell's Bravery, Zanarkand and possible Scandal's Harukaze. The rest are open to suggestions but we usually tackle one or two songs at a time until we are very good at them.

Cheers. =)