Guitarist/Bassist looking for a band that GIGS regularly


New member
Hi all,

I'm looking for a band that plays/aims to play gigs regularly because i want to get more experience playing live and possibly some kopi money haha. Perhaps a gig once a week? :cool:
I've played live for various talent shows and events, so I have some experience with showmanship, band dynamics and also hardware technicalities like connecting straight to the PA]

As the title suggests, I play the guitar and bass. However, I'm more familiar with the electric side of things as I don't meddle in acoustic stuff too much.
I'm open to all kinds of genres [alternative, shoegazing, post-hardcore, metalcore, prog metal, jazz etc.] and I don't mind playing covers. But originals will be a plus!
I'm also writing some originals myself and with my other band so I can chip in with ideas. In my free time I study music material [ arranging, jazz theory, song analysis etc.] on my own so I can become a more knowledgeable musician :) Oh and I'm honing my skills at recording and mixing too !
Skillwise, I'm not really a Jason Becker kind of guy so I'm not that proficient at sweeps and extremely fast licks haha. Nor can I slap and pop like Wooten. Other than that, I'm pretty decent at guitar and bass.

In terms of my mindset towards music, I write music to express certain ideas or experiences that have moved me inside [don't mind the cheesiness]. When I'm playing live, I aim to enjoy myself thoroughly with the band and also make sure the audience have a damn good time.

Do take note that I'll only be available from end of Jan till early May [enlisting]. However, once I'm able to bookout I'll willing to continue with the band. :p

If you think we could work together, hit me up at 87221532 and we can see how things go.