Fencers in here?


New member
Come on, where ya guys from, which club? School or what? I'm now fencing under Fencing Masters and CJC, formerly SJI Fencing.
nice one bro... i was in a crash course for Z-Fencing once. Love epee. was keen on learning sabre at Fencing Masters. but not now though,caught up with some other stuffs.

so are u a pro in foil or smth?

Anyways,say hi to Coach Lopez for me if u see him. The Maestros at Fencing Masters are friendly nonetheless. :cool:
Been screwing around with sabre for the past 4 years. I find it far more entertaining than epee, which is abit too slow... abit like music HAHA!
wah. damn cool man. ive been wanting to learn sabre for ages. can i pay u to teach..? ahhaah..or i pay u using pedals...

kekekeke.. :cool:

4years.. u must be a pro by now dude...
not really pro lah, i dont have many medals under my belt. just come down to fm again lah! I'm sure coach jeff wont mind more business HAHA!!!