

New member
Today when i was jamming,i broke my first drumsticks i bought it was a carlos.

Anyone broke their drumsticks before?

Anyone know where to get the black drumsticks in Sg or any good drumsticks?
yeah i have. from then on, i sto using the drumsticks when i'm sure that it has taken (or given) quite a number of beatings.

try RANKING and SWEE LEE at Bras Basah. and YAMAHA at Plaza Singapura. prices vary depending on the brand, model, size, etc.
dont be sad haha its normal to break a stick. all drum sticks is fine. take it , try it, feel it than good enuff get it
Anyone know where to get the black drumsticks in Sg or any good drumsticks?[/QUOTE]

Ahead drum sticks ? at drums resources
just paint your sticks black? i don't see how color affects the playability of the sticks. does black make it more comfortable? more grip? more power?

I got my black drumsticks at Swee Lee.. From Vic Firth.. And a Ahead Joey Jordison Signature drumsticks at Penin..

Buy it now! cheers!
Broke once. Use stick tape to mend it coz drum sticks were hard to come by then. Now get from Drum Resources. 3 drumsticks, acorn tip. Nice and comfortable for me.