CLICK HERE for Music Production at a BUDGET


New member
Hi Folks!

Welcome to JerryPMusic. I'm an independent musician in Singapore and like all other peers like me, I want to do music in Singapore. However, because it being a rather (I would say very) expensive SERIOUS hobby, many people could not afford to do much with it.

A little about myself, I'm a poly graduate. I'm a keyboardist/pianist. I write and arrange songs as well as do simple music production e.g. recording/mixing/mastering. I teach as well, basic music theory (grade 1-5), pop piano as well as classical.

If you're looking into putting up a simple, yet AWESOME-SOUNDING track or video onto your YouTube, Soundcloud etc. page. I can provide YOU with the quality that YOU need at LOW prices. My whole purpose is just simply providing a little education and more importantly, helping budding musicians to SOUND PRO! It need not necessarily be a deal, it can be queries on music-related issues that you wish to find out or production stuff that you are unsure of. I'll be glad to help, no worries!

And in all, I may not be the best you can get, but if YOU need the help do let me know! It's just ONE text away!

So, reply this thread or text/whatsapp me at 91186304 if you wish to find out more on what I do :)
Looking forward to all your replies!

Cheers for Music-Making!