17 year old guitarist looking to form a cover band


New member
i’m still a student now, wanna learn to perform with a group of people.. no idea how the performing scene here works, hopefully someone can join me and guide me along!
i have been playing the guitar for about 2 years, both electric and acoustic self learned, i play fingerstyle on acoustic, but i’d rather be a rhythm guitarist though lololol, i may try singing too, but i don’t know if i can do that cus i’m not rly good at it!
i listen to kpop, chinese songs and english songs, not rock songs though some examples are:
kpop: btob, cnblue, bigbang, twice
english: generally everyone
chinese: jay chou,jjlin

i wanna form a cover band that performs a range of songs, from english to chinese, korean songs!
hopefully i can find a vocalist, lead guitarist, drummer and bassist who are passionate and maybe one of y’all have experience, if not it’s fine too!
i rly wanna do this, so if you’re interested, just contact me via twitter @hutahyuk , or just pm me here!