Search results

  1. C

    Bedroom bassist looking for jpop/jrock/poprock band

    Peggies, HTT, anisong Muse, paramore 21. Starting uni this year. Cheers.
  2. C

    I'm a weeb bassist. Are you a weeb?

    Weeb bassist playing weeb songs. NSF. Come PM me let's play on weekends. Also I have a couple of official scorebooks *wink wonk*.
  3. C

    NS man looking to play the drums or bass on weekends for the fun of it

    19 this year. not really professional but do practice. I can improv for pop since its really pretty simple (taylor s, kpop, mandopop). i mainly jam poprock like paramore and muse, straddled with some metal and double pedling (a7x, mastodon) then chilled around with fusion (snarky puppy...