Search results

  1. F

    acoustic guitarist/vocals wanted

    hello we are 2 guys planning to make an acoustic band for leisure and maybe record some of our own stuff if we got some ideas..we're looking for a guitarist tt can play well and sing decently..we wanna do some covers of any songs tt is nice enough to cover so it'd be nice if ure creative..we're...
  2. F

    Audio Technica CP8201 Lo Z to Hi Z Impedance Transformer

    anyone know where to get this in singapore?been looking ard but cant seem to find it..maybe i was looking at the wrong places..haha..any help would be nice
  3. F

    anyone using vocal effects pedals?

    i wanna survey around for a vocal effects pedal or need suggestions about which one to buy..budget below $500...if any of you guys using can please tell me the model, what kind of sound u use to make with it, how much and where to find? much appreciated..(:
  4. F

    Drummer needed afiq and i hv a band but its kinda lacking of a drummer..we're currently just playing radiohead cos we're quite a new band but as individuals we are very experienced.. we aged 21-24 and we are all malays.. jamming is usually in the central area.. having abit of experience would be nice...