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  1. C

    [Marty Friedman] LOUDSPEAKER

    Yes, his latest album, and heaviest yet! Discuss!
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    Hope is Emo!
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    A Good Cutaway w/o Pickups? Does it even exist?

    I wus thinking of getting meself a acoustic and...
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    Jazz in SG - Recommendations?

    I've recently turned into a jazzhead, and I was wondering where I could get my fix of it locally. I prefer a small intimate setting with piano, instead of the big band kind, and some lead guitar would be nice too, though sax is the lead instrument of choice in jazz. Also, might anyone know...
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    Following Chords - Do you observe Classical rules?

    For example, in the key of C, following a C chord, we may play C Ionian, E Phrygian, or A Aeolian, for examples, then when the chord changes we may play the new chord to its modes. However, in Jazz, in a progression of lets say CDEA, we may play C Ionian, D Dorian, E Phrygian, then A Aeolian...
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    Backing Tracks Required

    Does anyone have backing tracks of chord progressions they could post here? Anything from power chord riffs, to ADE CEG simple stuff to stuff with 7th chords and II-V-I progressions etc. Thanks in advance.
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    Intro: Creeping_Deth

    Sup, beautiful people. Me name is Creeping_Deth, and my fave genres are metal (old school thrash and melodic death metal), a sprinkling of jazz (sax, guitar, bass music), and a slight helping of violin (baroque). Im primarily a guitar player. Top influences include: Marty Friedman (Megadeth...
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    ZOom G2 - Patch Sharing

    I recently got it and found it a little MEH. Anyone else here uses it?
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    Stickers on your Guitars? (or any other instrument)

    I recently got a nice plain looking guitar and i felt like plastering its virgin surface with band stickers and other images. So I was wondering, does tha affect tone at all? And does anyone else out there do such things to their guitars? Would the stickers destroy the varnish etc. And wheres a...
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    Need Help on Rhythm Guitar Techniques

    Hi im Creeping_Deth and im a metal player. Im used to power chord riffing, lead playing and open chord and barre strumming(aka standard campfire style). However, when I listen to some rock, blues or jazz songs, they use rather fanciful and advanced chord forms in their rhythm playing, such...