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    Emulating a Marshall

    Hi since i dont have enough money for a marshall i was thinking somebody might help me. Im planning to emulate a vintage marshall tube overdrive. I was thinking maybe a peavey envoy 110 (ive heard theyre the best tube emulation around) and a marshall guv'nor, what do you guys think? This...
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    Have problem with guitar...

    I when i bought my Crafstman GS-80 Lespaul, i was inexperienced but ever since i noticed that may pickup selector for the bridge is messed. Theyre both kinda tone knobs but one of them is like half volume and half tone. Does anyone know how ti fix this?
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    Music Theme

    has anybody been to music theme lately? is the 535q wah still there?
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    Wah Pedals

    Can anyone recommend any god wah pedals that are within the range of 250$? ive been looking at some stuff like a vox wah, a morley bad horsie, morley power wah and such. Im sitll not too sure about a dunlop wah becsause i dont know which one is in my price range
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    Does anybody know how much a dd-3 or dd-5 is at swee lee? or do you guys recommend otehr delay pedals? I cn't check right now cause im out of the city.
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    Amp recommendation

    Hey guys im looking for an amp thats about 30 or more watts, Can anyone recommend anything thats 375$ or less thankes
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    Gibson or other?

    hey im planning to get a new guitar in the next few months. Major Budget plan right now so can you guys recommend me a Gibson? I have a budget is around 2k possibly 2.5k. Please post the estimate price as well. If oyu dont recommend gibson then what do you think is betteR?
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    Overdrive pedal or amp

    I jsut found out my huitar sounds good with overdrive from my vantagevg15r combined with my ds-2. i am currently looking for a pedal or amp with a good smooth overdrive mostly for probably chords and rythm stuff because my leads are mostly distortion.
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    Recommend me pick-ups

    Ive been wanting to get something similar to Mark Tremonti's tone or something similar to all the Alter Bridge stuff. Im using a craftsman les paul from city music. ive been thinking of getting Duncan Alnico Pro II for the nexk and Dimarzio distortion for the bridge, do u guys thik mixing...
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    GHS Boomers

    Can anybody comment on these strings? Ive been thinking of switching string brands. right now im using the prs strings from davis.
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    i dont know what they are can soem tell me?
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    Cheap distortion and pick-ups

    Anybody know where i can get a Turbo Distortion Ds-2 for less than 100? real tight budget right now and i really want a pedal. I know people are gonna recommend the DS-1 but the gain not heavy enough for me. And also about pick-ups. Know where i can get some good quality ones for once again...
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    How often change your string?

    How often do u change them?