Search results

  1. N

    WTS: K Custom Ride 20" Brilliant Finish

    Condition: 8/10 (no dents or cracks, just that the logo is wearing off) Looking to sell for $350 as the sound is a bit too pingy for my taste. Note this is a brilliant (shiny) finish. If interested, please PM me!
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    WTS: Rhythm, Modern Drummer, Drum! magazines

    Hi friends! I've a collection of about 53 drum magazines dating back from 2007 to 2010. Not all are in that great condition, but definitely readable, and the interviews and lessons are timeless. I've uploaded all the covers onto Skydrive: Looking to sell them at about $4...
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    Jam Studio Directory Idea

    Hi fellow softies, I love what James and some other softies have started in getting a directory of jam studios up and running. It's difficult to keep it updated though, and I would love to see other info e.g. rental rates, equipment, conditions of the studios. So I was thinking - what about...
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    Would you?

    Would you? Jam studio directory idea Hi fellow softies, I love what James and some other softies have started in getting a directory of jam studios up and running. It's difficult to keep it updated though, and I would love to see other info e.g. rental rates, equipment, conditions of the...
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    Hey there, I've been playing drums for about 9 years to date, mostly in a church setting - have experience playing a pretty wide spread of genres. I was also with the NUS jazz band for about a year, and joined the UNC jazz combos while on exchange (don't expect crazy stuff though, I ain't no...
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    Preventing rust?

    Hi all, I was just wondering if there are any methods to prevent hardware from rusting in our humid, humid weather? Aside from the obvious oiling, which is just plain oily. I was considering using a spray, the type of spray they use for blisters - it sets clear and forms a layer around the...
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    Floor Tom as Bass Drum

    Hey, has anyone tried this? Is the feel similar to a normal bass drum? Anyone know where to get the mounting?
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    snare recommendations

    hey guys - trying to find a good snare now. looking for something versatile, leaning more towards wood. i guess i want something responsive and sensitive, something that would sit in well for jazz and still make a pretty mean impression for rock. help? haha
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    jazz drumming?

    how can you learn to play jazz? i mean, it's one thing finding a good teacher (who?), and another finding a dedicated jazz band who will accept a player just starting on jazz... it's not like jazz is something that can be learnt that easily by listening to cds or anything. so... for those jazz...
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    anyone owns it?
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    anyone know where to take lessons? or any online things?
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    Looking for advice - methods, who to look for, rough cost? Thanks in advance!
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    Wuhan Cymbals

    Anyone knows if these can be found in singapore?
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    Double Pedals

    Any recommendations?
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    How good must you be to play in a pub?

    Must you know all genres? Must you be well versed in different beats? Must you... Is there anyway to know if you are good enough to play in a pub?
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    Magazines for drummers

    Anyone know where to find any good drumming magazines? Especially those that you can suscribe to.