Search results

  1. V

    Where are you bassists!

    I must have posted this for the "godzillionth" times! Looking for bassist for Alternative/Experimental/Pop punk band. We listen to a wide range of bands, Paramore, All Time Low, Saosin, Green Day, MegnDia, Anberlin, yadda yadda and more! We're boys and a girl age from 19 to 21, so we're...
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    Any Vocalist here plays the bass?

    Hi guys! Just curious if anybody can play bass and sing at the same time? Personally, I find it pretty hard to concentrate!
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    Versaemerge FTW!

    Just curious if you guys have been listening to them! Their new EP is up and personally I find it awesome! Share the love! I love the band in whole! Everyone just complements each other. :) PS. DON'T COMPARE THAN WITH PARAMORE. They have distinct difference...
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    Prism band New original!

    Hi guys! Our first original is up! :) Do comment about it! :) Constructive comments are most welcomed!
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    Vocals lesson

    Hi guys! I guess this is a very oftenly asked question! But wanna hear your opinions! I intend to pick up lessons to strengthen my vocals especially sustaining notes and etc. So, I'm thinking is it better to learn from a school or learn it from some of the private teachers here. If anyone...
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    Newbies need help! :)

    Hello people! I'm intending to learn acoustic guitar with my friend but we got to get our own guitars first. I've read up abit and it seems that for beginners with a budget of $250, Takamine/Maestro/Samick can be a good choice? But which would be the more preferred brand actually? I'm...