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  1. R

    need help on buying decent microphone for recording at home

    hi guys..i currently just got my laptop..i plan on using my laptop for recording i planning to buy a microphone for vocal singing and play my electric keep it simple..i want to record what i sing while playing my what do i need to buy?my budget ard 50-70...
  2. R

    cheap and good guitar pedal

    anyone can help me cos i wannna buy a cheap but good guitar pedal..but not sure which brands r good..cos i'm still a anyoone help me pls..??
  3. R


    guys,sorie to trouble u all ..but i'm a beginner in playing electric..i want to buy guitar overdrive pedal..and i tot u all could give me a hint on what type of brands is good and affordable(not more than 100)?and also more into like jimi hendrix guitar how guys? any one cn help?
  4. R

    lead guitarist course or vocal course?

    hi...guys,i 've been wanting to join yamaha lead guitarist course but at the same time,i also have passion for singing.(vocal course)..and my pay is not that high to join both at a guys,which do u think i should go first?the lead guitarist course or vocal course? ur help would be...
  5. R

    cheap jam studio

    guys,i nid help anybody knows where to jamm at a cheap price?ard 11 or 12?if can below 11..?got anot ah?at where?
  6. R


    guys,where i can go so that i can sing better?help me pls
  7. R

    beginner drummer

    hi,im a guitarist but i feel like wanting to try drumming... so,is it worth it if i buy my own drumset to begin?? i have a bass and an electric if i buy a drumset... is it enough for my band to start jammin at my place rite?? so there no need to go to jammin studio to waste...
  8. R

    Mark Hoppus,blink 182 bassist

    can anyone tell me what technique does mark hoppus using 2 play his bass... cos its kind of cool..