Search results

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    Vox Mini5 anyone?

    Anyone seen this around here in Sg? Is this the same as the DA5? Picked up a Mini3 today from City Music - pretty impressive DSP and sound quality for a tiny little amp.
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    Ultra premium link cable for music enthusiast

    Want a $5 network cable at only US$500? From Denon's own website - they have a bi-directional arrow painted on the plug: "Additionally, signal directional markings are provided for optimum signal transfer." Check out some of the reviews at...
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    Anyone tried the Vox Virage guitar?

    Has anyone played on the virage yet? The "three-90" pickups sound interesting. On sale at city music.
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    David Barber's new drive pedal - the dirty bomb

    Barber's come out with a new pedal: *drooool* Any idea when this would be available at Ty Music?
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    Opus MM2 speaker cable.

    Are you feeling rich? Do your part to stimulate the economy. Buy one of these:,Cable/Opus,MM2,Speaker,Cable,cable,1035916212FC55E7,PicFront.html Only US$33,000.
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    The genius of Joe Pass.

    This one's for those of us not old enough to have had a chance to listen to this man's contribution to music. Here's Joe Pass:
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    Replacement for ceramic magnet pickups.

    My Gibson has a couple of ceramic magnet humbuckers (500T and 496R) pickups in it. As with all ceramic pickups, the tone is quite sharp, biting and raunchy. It works great with distortion, but I'm looking for something with better articulation, warmer tone, no spongy bass. What do you think...
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    Who is the Seymour Duncan JB named after?

    Did you know who Seymour Duncan made the JB pickups for? Watch this:
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    Jason Lollar, the pickup artist.

    A very interesting interview with Jason Lollar who makes some of the finest pickups around:
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    Who sells Himmelstrutz effects in Sg?

    Is there a dealer for Himmelstrutz effects here in Singapore? Looks like they have a dealer in Bangkok, though. Pricey...
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    How to transport an upright piano?

    How do you folks transport pianos? I'm looking at moving a full sized upright piano. Measured the thing and it won't even fit in my HDB lift. Are there any companies that specialise in moving this sort of stuff? Do they dismantle the piano and reassemble it?
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    Who stocks the EHX pedal bag these days?

    Any idea who stocks the electro harmonix pedal bag these days? I tried Yamaha at tampines yesterday but they were out of stock. Anywhere else around the city / east ?
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    Gibson Dark Fire
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    Any of you use electric guitar amps for acoustic?

    A friend has an acoustic guitar with a pickup, I'd like to buy him an amp. Do any of you use your regular electric guitar amp with an acoustic? I know some people swear by dedicated acoustic amps, but what difference do you hear in real life, given the presence of the high freq driver on the...
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    What's happening with Boss pedal quality? :( :(

    First it was my SD-2 that would kill 70-80% volume and produce a horrible noise like forty raving mad pit-vipers in a very small uncomfortable cage, and completely died after doing that for 3 months. Next, it was my DD-5. It would refuse to switch off for the first 20-30 seconds after powerup...
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    Anyone listened to / have Joe Bonamassa's Bloodline?

    Has anyone listened to Joe Bonamassa's older albums when he was with the group called Bloodline? There are at least two albums - Can't rest on the times, and Bloodline. I'm trying to get these, but they are out of stock at amazon or itunes :(
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    Ernie Ball gets raided.

    Sounds like a mafia operation. The BSA raids Ernie Ball for using "unlicensed software". Immediately afterwards, microsoft sends out flyers for discounted software. All the more reason not to support these mafia goons who participate in the BSA, i.e., Adobe, microsoft, autodesk, etc...
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    Gibson self tuning guitar.

    Interesting concept here, the self-tuning guitar. Read more about it here:
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    Who stocks Digitech here (other than SL).

    Who apart from swee lee stocks Digitech here in Singapore? My friend is looking for a bad monkey OD, anyone know how much it would cost? Swee lee has it at 108 or something like that. Surprising, since it's around US$39.xx out there.
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    Kids playing Iron Maiden : Trooper.

    Check out these kids: Wow! They can really kick some ass.