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  1. M

    Getting my guitar Set-up

    HI ALL! i'd like to get my guitar set-up cos of some fret buzz issues (changed wrong strings jeez) so is there any reputable guitar techs i can approach? i heard about this particular master called Beez though, anybody care to give their input?
  2. M

    Schecter Hellraiser Solo-6 or She-devil

    hi good people at G77! do you bring in the particular models above? thanks for your kind attention
  3. M

    Question on Trills.

    hi guys! going str8 to the point. i have problems with my pull off technique, trills to be exact. here's the lowdown: whenever i start trilling, for example 14-17 fret trills on the 1st string,my anchor finger(the one on the 14th fret) would tend to slip out of position gradually in such a way...
  4. M

    Blackstar ht-5 combo

    HI BOYS! any thoughts about the Blackstar HT-5 mini stack? its retailing at $830-850ish at peninsula. is it suitable for playing relatively heavy stuff like the various genres of metal? personally i've tried it but i found it OK only, wanna hear some input from the wise amp vets here:-D haha...
  5. M

    Dunlop Jazz III picks!

    anybody has any idea where can i get these picks? been hearing RAVE reviews about them so i wanna try em and see. heard about the V-picks too though.
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    Vypr vs VT30

    hi boys!(girls!) i'm back again with a question! Peavey Vypr vs VT30 which one comes out tops? to give you an idea of what i'm playing its like thrash metal mostly, you know? LoG,Trivium,Metallica,Killswitch etc. which amp would be better for me eh? thanks in advance for the input!
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    Pickup's gone silent

    SOS forumites!! my pickups screwed up, when i toggle to the top and mid selection there's no sound but when i switch to the bottom one it was normal. oh man its definitely not my cable's problem HELP can anyone diagnose the problem? i'm using an LTD EC50 btw THANKS ALL!
  8. M

    Legato Techniques.

    hey everyone i've a question on legato thats been bugging me for ages and i cant seem to find a solution. you see, everytime i try a pull off i'd hit the string below ala pulling off 5th string i'd hit the 4th string and the 4th string just rings and it really gets noisy when i turn my gain up...
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    Mark Tremonti Instructional DVD

    anyone know where could i get it?
  10. M

    A Question.

    First of all Hi all i'm new to this forum so i'll take this chance to say hi haha anyway heres my problem, i've been wanting to upgrade my guitar to a medium-end model(im playing an ESP EC 50 currently) to a PRS SE Tremonti but i'm afraid it'll sound like crap through my MG10KK amp so should i...