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    Where to get guitar screw?

    hello. i lost the screw for the thing that comes with a floyd rose. er how to sae. the one at the nut. i lost one of them. where can i get one?
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    floyd rose

    hello. i just broke a string on my floyd rose. and i guess i was being 'smart' by taking out all the other strings. can anyone teach me or help me restring? i dun mind paying a lil. i can buy the strings on my own.
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    help on strings!!!

    hello. a noob to floyd rose here. can i use a normal string for a floyd rose bridge? let sae ernie ball slinky? and anyone with sites to recommend with videos on how to change strings on a floyd rose?
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    music for teachers dae and dinners

    anyone can recommend me any songs for dinners? songs that use only 1 or 2 acoustic guitars. and also songs for teachers dae. hopefully the lyrics have a certain meaning in them. thanks!
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    amp repair

    harloe. anyone noes where to send for amp repair? mine is a marshall 15 watt and wenever i on it theres a "zzz"-ing sound and my guitar's sound wun come out. anyone recommend me a place and how much is the cost?
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    amp something wrong...

    something wrong with my amp... wenever i on it. even without my guitar plug in... theres a humming sound. whats wrong ar? i din plug my guitar in yet cuz the amp is at my skul. can someone enlighten me on this?
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    programs for downloading songs

    harloe. i juz wanna ask. wat programs can we use that is legal, to download mp3 songs? other than kazaa. cuz my dad sae cannot use animore. so wat to use sia? mm. and the software must be free wan. haha. if really no program then i sell my mp3 oredi. haha
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    jim dunlop stubby

    hei guys. i just lost my jim dunlop stubby pick. the 3 mm one. can anyone tell me where to get? and the price. or if u stae anywhere near cck buy for me then i pay u? haha. cant plae without it. its the thickest one.
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    guitar amp to bass amp

    helo!... i just wanna ask whether is it ok to connect a guitar amp to a bass amp... i connect my amp from the line out to my friends peavey bass it okae? or will it spoilt my amp or anything?! :?:
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    how to compare pickups

    i went to two diff webs of dimarzio and seymour duncan.....and how to know which pickup will be louder?....look at the output....or look at the dc resonant or resonant peak?....wat in the world are they?....can someone kindly explain....thanks guyz....
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    amp volume

    hello dudes... i got this prob ar.. my fwen he use a samick plug into a laney 15 watt and it sounded louder than my gax 70 into a marshall 15 watt....wats wrong ar??....haha...sorry i a bit new...but seriously wats wrong i need to change amp?
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    Which is for which? (guitar)

    for a guitar with 2 humz.. can somebody tell me which is for lead and which is for rhythm....???? confused...
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    What is intonation?

    Hello, may I know just what exactly is intonation? I don't really understand. Hope you guys don't mind. And how you adjust intonation on an Ibanez GAX 70? I am really blur about this thing.
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    Installation of floyd rose

    Anyone here knows any place that provide installation of floyd rose? My guitar is an ibanez gax 70 and i wanna install a floyd rose. Can anyone tell me the place and the price? Thanks.
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    Reconditioning of pedals

    Hello, I just wanna ask is there any place in Singapore that does reconditioning of pedals. My MT-2 is beat up. Any of you guys can recommend any place and their price? Thanks. Btw, can anyone give any settings to get a Metallica distortion. My teacher told me to turn up the bass and trebles...
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    dimarzio virtual paf pro the above...meant for the bridge....but can i install it at the neck....cuz the dimarzio web saes for all positions.. damn confused
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    can anyone help me to install pickups? preferably in the west....and teach me how me at 94821010....thank you...
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    tube amp n solid state?!?!

    this might sound dumb....but whats the diff between a solid state and a tube amp.... ???
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    how to get slash sound

    hello. ive been trying to get slash sound but its so damn hard. issit my gears or wat? im using ibanez gax 70 and a ibanez 10g amp. shud i simply change everything or just change the pickups? someone help me!! :(
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    probs wif string i juz bought a new ibanez gax 70...thank you to all those who have helped me in my decision but...i got a prob...when i strum the 3 thickest strings...the strings tend to touch the fretboard when vibrating..kind buzz.. can someone tell me how to solve this prob.. and may i know...