Search results

  1. bedokkids

    tube Amp head for metal, and mild overdrive playing

    Hi, i am looking for a amp head for my playing probably 70% for metal most of the time, and the rest 30% for pop rock, brian setzer inspired rockability swing. which amp head would you recommend? thanks for your advice
  2. bedokkids

    i lost touch. where to purchase rock t shirt

    hi guys, a buddy of mine wants to buy rock t i lay dying, bullet for the ...., trivium.. etc.. but i lost touch with the local rock wear scene. where can i get from retail shops and also online ??? see that US retail is charges rocket prices for a pcs of t shirt
  3. bedokkids

    floyd rose nut and pivot screw screw bolt

    hi, wonder if anyone has this problem as i am? the screw head of the bolt holding the guitar saddles and pivot screw had spoiled the my allen wrench. and it's already my third changes. also found the the hextagon shape of the srew head is getting round. anyone had similar problems, which...
  4. bedokkids

    doing up backing track

    hi, i have a set of score of the same song. *bass/guitar/drum. i need to use this source and do up a realitisc backing track by july. how should i start first. right now only have guitar pro on hand thanks
  5. bedokkids

    drum software to improve tracks?

    hi, i used the guitar pro to key in drum pattern in notation style, however the present drum sound doesnt sound realistic at all, and thus i exported it as mid file, hoping to find some program to further improve it. i heard alot of available drum software, what can i do on my next step...
  6. bedokkids

    time for new guitar: a Alexi laiho or Rhoad V?

    dear all, in the mood for a new guitar, being eyeing these 2 model for quite sometime appreciate your advise. thanks alexi laiho LTD 200 or jackson rhoads RR-o3L both left hand model are available. btw, anyone had problem using FR BRIDGE : Takeuchi TRS-101 ?? thanks
  7. bedokkids

    live act to recommend?

    hi to all, our band had a new "comrade" joining our band , however he wasnt really exposed much to live act, while for the rest of us we are no longer in touch with the paig gig scene. i know dragonfly had Queen, a superb act, but the place was too noisy for us. any other acts to recommend...
  8. bedokkids

    CD for aural training grade 1 to 3 by ronald smith

    hi guys, i am looking for the above copy. but cant seem to able to find any anyone can advise where to get it? i hope to get a used or 2nd hand copy....plse let me know thanks
  9. bedokkids

    Floyd rose stringing in reverse?

    hi, my friends shown me his ibanez which he told me it's was string in reverse? kinda of cool initally , but think abt it, the nut at the end of a new string is to trap your guitar. isnt it kind of dangerous with this set up, will the string break and spring out in the middle of playing...
  10. bedokkids

    where to purchase blackstar amp?

    hi, as the above state, where to get one of it? thanks
  11. bedokkids

    newbie question's about MIDI

    hi to all, just to check, midi is the most basic element needed to edit music ? for example, i had the midi for hotel california, and i just wanna the guitar and bassist to be pull out. so i purchase some software like vubase,logic studio. whichever it is. and do the editing. then export...
  12. bedokkids

    how to form a working band?

    hi to all, abt to purchase a GT-10 and sold my pedals. and arm with a few pairs of guitar. now the question is how to form a working band? i guess many bros here have similiar experiences. i am a rythm and lead. and intend to join one.. or form one myself? regardless getai, or pub or wedding...
  13. bedokkids

    where to get GT-10 beside SL?

    Dear all, where to get GT-10 beside SL? been to SL quoted 1550( or Sometime) by a pretty lady, and after discount is drop to $930. haha sounds amazing. but anyway. i am looking out or other option , i mean other outlet too. also, i don really linger for podx3live. though i have to say it's...
  14. bedokkids

    GT 8 or GT -10.. or PODxt or Digitech or Vox?

    dear all, after much playing and stuffs, decided to convert all playing to multi fx. so right now i eliminate much choice. it's either boss GT8 or GT 10, but also tempting to checkout line 6 or others offering. any one can share your joy and pain. very much appreciated
  15. bedokkids

    appreciate your advise concerning guitar teacher attitude

    Hi, just wanna seek some opinion, bothering me yesterday. the story goes this way, i have a upsoming Music theory exam in 1 Nov com and for some reasons, i need to intensifiy my study on it, i need to stop my practical guitar lesson on sat for 1 month & explain the reason for the pause. in...
  16. bedokkids

    how you ship your ceriatone to singapore

    hi to all, i suppose most of ceriatone owener bought from nik directly.. since it's just a bridge and 6 hours drive up to KL. anyone can share their experience? i am getting the 2203 thanks
  17. bedokkids

    what's the change of semi hollow guitar?

    dear all, next purchase might be a Epi es335 or the popluar "dot" guitar. my first entry into seim-hollow guitar, just to get the taste. can you guys share your experience with such guitar? playability? nut width? sounds? the pro and the con? thanks to all again for your help & your...
  18. bedokkids

    what could be wrong

    i noticed that after i send my guitar for second set up, it's play fine, after a few weeks, the string at 12 fret start getting higher. is it improper set up?
  19. bedokkids

    practice: not too cozy! outdoor?

    hello, just to share, practise habit, for me home practise doesnt really bring in much result, it's too cozy tend to fall asleep after some time. prefer outdoor, just right that i found this space at nelow link.. quiet and peaceful..i can plug in my amplug and practise whole day..with...
  20. bedokkids

    if it doesnt twang, it's not a telecaster

    Hi, all, like to open a thread to share information about the Fender telecaster. the twang sound is due to the fact of it's pickup postion and combination or the shape of the body. so does a Humbucker ,P90, filteron... contribute to the twangy sound? quote example like.. J5, jim root sign...