Recent content by TheWongKey

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    Schindler's List

    This movie may not appeal to everyone because it is rather long and draggy in today's standard, but I love it, especially the music! This music never fails to make emotions well up in me :')
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    My girlfriend just proposed to me...

    that I should stop writing clickbait captions for our piano covers and just use her boring caption this time: Did you know that Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune (moonlight), was inspired by Paul Verlaine’s poem? Taking a walk in the moonlight, the poet likens his soul to a beautiful landscape...
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    She loves the Big P

    My girlfriend loves the Big P. When I slept over at her house, I would sit beside her and watch her touch it all over. It really felt so good because she always could do wonderful things with it. I enjoyed it every single time even when I was not looking. Sometimes, when we got too carried...
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    This is dedicated to all the dads out there <3

    Happy Father’s Day! My girlfriend (pianist) and I (editor) want to dedicate this to our dads and all the dads in the world! We chose to play this song because just like the often overlooked, simple bass melody in Canon in D, dads are some of the most unsung, unpraised and unnoticed heroes in...
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    What do you guys think of this style of animation?

    Short Backstory: Due to Covid-19, my GF and I couldn't meet. So we took this opportunity to make piano covers of the music that we love. She plays the piano and I turn her recordings into nice-looking(hopefully) videos. How you can help Our goal is to make every video a tad better than the...
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    Is she secretly hinting to me to marry her?

    So if you guys have seen my previous post, my gf and I started making piano covers because we couldn't meet during circuit breaker. She films and records the music, I find unique ways to edit them into nice-looking videos. This time round she sent me the music "Marriage d'amour", which...
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    How COVID-19 Gave My GF and I a New Goal <3

    Because of COVID-19, my girlfriend and I can no longer meet each other. So we used the time apart to create something together. She is a Piano Teacher and I am a video editor. So a couple of weeks ago, we launched our piano cover Youtube channel where we hope to share music that we both enjoy...