Recent content by RevoltingWinds

  1. RevoltingWinds

    SOLD WTS Epiphone Les Paul Special II almost new $130

    I Bought this from Swee Lee for $207 in September just for this semester to have an instrument for my exchange semester. So the condition is like new. A Ritter guitar bag worth $26 included...
  2. RevoltingWinds

    Death metal from Finland, also free EP available for pick up

    My old band made an awesome EP with good reviews before we broke the group. You can find the whole EP on myspace: I took a pile of the EP:s that are still left from the original print. I overestimated the metal scene in Singapore and I haven't gotten rid of those yet. If...
  3. RevoltingWinds

    Rock clubs and bars in Singapore

    Where are the rock or metal bars in Singapore? I mean places that play rock music, not necessary live band venues. I'd like to find a place to go for a beer with good music.
  4. RevoltingWinds

    Finnish guitarist ready for easy going jamming and beer drinking

    I'm soon leaving my bands behind to Finland and coming to Singapore for the rest of the year. I'm going to study in NTU for an exchange semester. I'll be spending only a short while in Sg but still would be great to get to know some musicians, go jamming and hang around at rock bars. Having gigs...