Recent content by namelessone

  1. N

    WTS hartke a25 bass amp

    Letting it go for $180. Negotiable. Still in great condition. Please sms me at 90462220-hafiz
  2. N

    WTB OCD 1, 2 or 3

    looking for a good condition OCD 1, 2 or 3. pls sms me if you are selling one. Hafiz-90462220
  3. N

    WTB 90's emo bands (The gloria record, mineral, penfold etc) cd

    anyone still has any cd's from 90's emo bands that they are willing to sell? sms 90462220
  4. N

    WTB SJB-3n seymour duncan quarter pound jazz bass pickup

    I wanna buy SJB-3n seymour duncan quarter pound jazz bass pick up for neck. please sms me at 90462220 I want a brand new one if possible. thanks
  5. N

    Buying a new bass or changing pick ups?

    I have the made in china squier jazz bass california series. Would it be better if I save up to swee lee's end of year sale and buy a new fender jazz bass or just change them to seymour duncan quarter pound pick ups? Will changing my pick up really change the sound? Cause if i'm gonna buy the...
  6. N

    Its hard to get a final mix like this nowadays... nowadays not much producers can mix like the above tracks ...Magical!!!!!!! I'm just sharing some old school 90's rock music track...listen and enjoy
  7. N

    Its hard to find bands with this 90's guitar tone/sound and nowadays not much producers can mix like the above tracks ...Magical!!!!!!!
  8. N

    The difference between a bass limiter enhancer and a bass equaliser

    I want to get a pedal for my bass to have a fatter and much more thick sound...but i do not want to change my pickups...should i get a bass limiter enhancer or a bass equaliser. And what is the difference between those pedals..thanks
  9. N

    Gig slots for the june holidays 8 th june to 22nd june?

    Hello, are there any gig slots for alternative rock bands. We have not made myspace yet. If there are any events that still needs bands on their line up do inform me as we would like to perform. Songs or more info about the band can be informed thru email or msn. thanks.
  10. N

    To all record lables help The Ataris

    Hey. can u guys help the ataris to come to Singapore. They really wanna make this happen. THey commented me on my myspace and also pmed me..I knw this is just my little dream for them to play here..but alot of people love them! make this happen. im gonna send this msg to all the promoters i knw...
  11. N

    THE ATARIS maybe coming to Singapore on April

    THE ATARIS maybe coming to Singapore on April! an indonesian band just msged me! they told me they needed organisers! This goes out to all the organisers out there if there is anyone here that can help! please do I LOVE THE ATARIS one of my inspirations! here is the bands myspace...
  12. N

    Buzzing sound when turning angled cable

    I just bought new cables. But when i plug them in, i turned around the angled head that was plugged in my bass around and they made loud buzzing noises like "PSSHHH DSSHH" how do i solve this? is it something wrong with my jack. I also use effects bass chorus and bass attack is that also...
  13. N

    Settings in jamming studio

    I wanna know how a band should sound like in the jamming studio must vox bu the loudest among all? followed by guitar bass and drums ? how is the settings of instruments supposed to be volume wise thx
  14. N

    vocal stamina

    I need help. At home when i sing out loud for a long time im not tired and i dont strain my voice.. but when i go to the jamming studio . i feel tired..what should i do to improve on this? must the mike be the loudest than the other instruments? its really irritating when ur voice just dies...