Recent content by kaifrez

  1. kaifrez

    What if your originals sounds like MUSE etc? Will you lose the originality?

    Hi my fellow softies I am just curious what if your originals sounds like the band u influence with most in my case its muse... Will I lose the originality of my songs if it were to sound like muse?:confused: I tried to create my own style of playing and my own sounds of the melody but somehw i...
  2. kaifrez

    Selamat hari raya!!!

    I want to wish all fellow softies and fellow musicians of all races, whoever and wherever u are "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI" ROCK ON CHEERZ
  3. kaifrez

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" Reviews Pls...

    I just bought tis metallica new album death magnetic and i found it better than St anger after 5 long yrs... Im a biggest fan of metallica since kill em all but honestly its not the best as the first 3 albums but wat i can say is im impressed after 5 long yrs they r back on business with those...