Recent content by Fish_R_Us

  1. F

    Bassist looking for band~

  2. F

    Different guage for bass specs

    hi im wondering if using a different gauge for bass strings may damage my bass guitar. im currently using a fender precision us which uses guages 45-110, but i bought a 45-105 instead. if i use the latter strings would i dmg my bass?
  3. F

    J&D 150 goth

    Im thinking of getting a low end bass to play in camp since im in NS now. and i saw this bass at peninsula for $290. i like the action and the looks of this guitar but i cant seem to find any reviews of this bass online so im not sure if its worth it getting this. if this bass isnt good im...
  4. F

    is there much difference if i use a guitar fuzz pedal for bass?

    well i got a boss fz-5 fuzz pedal for my bday. but im a bassist so i was wondering is there much of a difference to how it would sound compared to a bass fuzz pedal?
  5. F

    recommend me a good bass fuzz pedal~

    a good one but hopefully not too expensive >_> looking to use it to cover muse songs
  6. F

    need some good bass recommendations

    So far ive been using my friend's bass to practice so im thinking of getting my own. Ive juz started playing and im wondering if anyone could recommend me any good bass within the $1k-1.5k range. I play k-pop, j-pop, and pop songs~ i also play english indie rock songs by bands like muse, bon...
  7. F

    Any good bass recommendations?

    So far ive been using my friend's bass to practice so im thinking of getting my own. Ive juz started playing and im wondering if anyone could recommend me any good bass within the $1k-1.5k range. I play k-pop, j-pop, and pop songs~ i also play english indie rock songs by bands like muse, bon...
  8. F

    need help with double pedal placement >_>

    hey guys i was wondering coz i juz bought a double pedal and my hihat stand seems to be interferring with my left double pedal. so everytime i use my left double pedal my leg keeps hitting the hihat stand part... is there like a specialized stand for hihats to accommodate the pedals? if its...