Recent content by darkrhino

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    Done it!

    I manage to mob my gcb95 with true bypass (Thanks to blueark), Added some LEDs to it, gave it more "vocal", Gain and Bass Response, up the mid range and increase the sweep range! Some photos... Thanks to all those who help out in SOFT for ideas and advice!
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    Where Can i get a DPDT switch ?

    Hi all i'm looking for a part for the GCB95 Crybaby. Looking for a DPDT switch to change it to a bypass... Can Any 1 can help? Like tell mi where can i buy it? Went to sim lim tower but to no luck...
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    Where can i get in singapore??? -> VOX V847

    Can't find it anywhere... not even citymusic... Any1 know??? Pls tell... :(
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    Marshall 15CDR VS VOX Pathfinder15R

    Been scouting around and asking but still can't make up my mind! Mind you i only have $200 to spare after the sale and everything i bought... so nothing else~ Thank you!
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    I need help now~ veri urgent! can some 1 help mi? i am changing strings on my LP but now all the strings are touching the fretboard! can some 1 PM mi his number so i can call?? REalli need help!!!
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    BJF pedals any 1 heard b4???

    I was reading "GUITAR ONE" mag and came across some reviews on BJF pedals. They have Emerald Green Distortion Machine and Dyna Red. Any 1 know about these babes and if they can bi bought in singapore???
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    Ibanez SM7

    Any1 have any encounter with this??? Gd anot?? any1 know the price?? I have a TS7 as well.. have a Epip LPS... Will it work well with all these???
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    Epiphone Sheraton II

    Hi there~ Newbi here in SOFT. Been reading alot in here but can't find anything about the Sheraton II. Any1 know anything about it? Was thinking about getting it at Sweelee Year End Sale~ Wat do you guys think???