Recent content by anghoonking

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    Wts esp flying v-black (japan)

    Hi, I'm selling my ESP-V guitar which is made in Japan. The finish is black in colour. Selling at $1500 Condition 8.5/10 Please msg me at 9137038 if interested. Thank...
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    Bassist available - (versatile) able to play rock/funk/metal

    Bassist available here. Able to play different sorts of genre such as rock,funk,metal,etc. 23 years old this year. I've been playing the bass for 7 years. Here's a list of my influences : NIN, Radiohead, RHCP, Metallica, Megadeth, While she sleeps, brutality will prevail, black rebel motorcycle...
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    Selling ESP V-Series ( Made in Japan) w/ ESP hardcasing Selling an ESP- V (flying V) made in Japan. If I'm not wrong, this series is no longer in production. Condition 8.5/10. Comes along with ESP hard casing. Price $2400 Email me at, PM will also be fine. Thank you!
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    Selling ESP-V black series (Japan) Selling an ESP- V (flying V) made in Japan. If I'm not wrong, this series is no longer in production. Condition 8.5/10. Comes along with ESP hard casing. Price $2400 Email me at, PM will also be fine. Thank you!
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    Where to get Dean Guitars?

    may i know which guitar stores sells Dean guitars? Oh yea one more thing, where do i find a good flying v guitar gig bag?
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    Introduce me a bass compressor pedal?

    Can u guys introduce me a bass compressor pedal? how much isit and where to get it? thx
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    Active or passive pickups?

    Do u guys use active or passive pickups? and why?
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    J&D brothers bass

    I have been planning to get a 6-string j&d bass. i donnoe wad is the exact model though, but i tired it at ranking b4. to me, i like it coz the neck is comfortable, and the sound is good. do u think i should get j&d basses? any reviews on the brand?
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    online drum machine

    can anyone recommend me a site which has drum machine?
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    Anyone saw roland cube 30 bass amp b4?

    did anyone saw sweelee selling roland cube 30 bass amp b4? so far i onli saw guitar amps onli
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    A bass lesson book to recommend?

    I want to get a bass lesson book, tht teaches scales, jazz lines, blues lines so and so... any book u guys recommend? and where do i get it? and how much is it? thx :)
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    Bass buzzing after changing strings

    I donnoe what happened, but i changed my bass strings today, then suddenly all of the strings at arnd the 1st to 3rd fret gt a very strong buzzing sound. and when i slide arnd the 1st to 3rd fret, it cant produce a sound. what happen?
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    How often must one change his bass strings?

    change it when a string broke onli? or when the strings turned rusty?
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    Some bass gear questions...

    I was thinking to save up and get a dunlop bass crybaby wah wah, u tink i shld get tht wah pedal? wad is the difference between a fretless electric bass and a normal fret bass? is there any fretless bass in sg i can take a look at in shops? do ampeg amps have an amp for practice use? those...
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    Bass Xciter

    May i noe wad does this pedal do? hw much does it cost and where can u buy it in stores in sg?