Where to get these products from these Brands? [090206]


New member
As metalella_eh has requested, I'm compiling a list of Brands and where to get products from these brands. I'm trying to make this as holistic as possible so please do bear with the length of this thread.

Everyone is welcome to contribute to this thread, especially the bassists, keyboardists and the drummers, as I have little or no knowledge about the brands for such instruments. PM me so i can update this list. I'll put down a note to thank the contributors. :)

And of course, companies are VERY welcome to PM me the list of brands so it makes my life easier. :)

To find a brand, use the Search function on your browser and type in the brand name. Find Next to see if there are more distributors for that brand.


Line 6, Zoom, Korg, Craftsman, Hartke, Vox, Kurzweil, Martin, Ovation, Hamer, AER, Dean Markley.

Rotosounds, Ernie Ball (strings), Seymour Duncan, Marshall, Samick, Fender, Maxon, OLP, ESP, Edwards, Ltd, PRS, Takamine, B.C. Rich, EMG, SX, Grassroots, Fender.

Drum Resources Music Place (DRMP)

Esden Trading
Kustom, Suzuki, Tech 21 (Sansamp)

Tech 21 (Sansamp), Dillion Guitars, MXR, Dimarzio, Seymour Duncan.

Guitar Connection

Guitar Gallery
Gibson, Fender.

Guitar Workshop
-no info yet-

Guitar 77
Keeley, Breedlove, Fender Japan, Maton, U.S masters, Visual Sound, Maton, Acoustic Image, Schecter, MIAudio.

Behringer, Line6, Marshall, Vox, Stillwater, Ultrasound, Gallien-Krueger, Hartke, Alesis, Yamaha, Taylor, AKG, Craftsman, Korg.

Maestro Guitars
Maestro, Blueridge, Graphtech.

Music Plaza (Yamaha)
Yamaha, G&L, Burny, Fernandes, Crate, Ampeg, Electro-Harmonix.

Music Theme
Boss, Aria, Dean, Carvin, Crate, Ashdown, Godin, Floyd Rose, Carvin, Seagull.

Ranking Sports
Road Ready, Floyd Rose (guitars), Boss, Aria, Larrivee, Dean, Carvin, Crate, Ashdown, Godin, Dean Markley, Carvin, Seagull.

Swee Lee
Roland + Boss, Fender, Squier, Epiphone, Gibson, Digitech, DiMarzio, Peavey, Washburn, Ibanez, Cort, Tama, Pearl, Premier, Selmer Paris, Karl Hofner, Randall, Laney, Digitech, Voodoo Lab, Jim Dunlop, MXR, Jackson, Congress, SWR.

Contributors to this thread (give them a round of beer!): finrod, angusyoung, thor666, finrod, wangdexian, GuitarNoob, neuro182, superkicky, metalella_eh, boone, emptinessben, Kiyoharu.
EMG pick ups? davis? i heard they bring in EMG pick ups. not sure though.

Drum Resources (peninsula)


Ahead Drumsticks

P.S.: i will help alittle by going around to ask the shops for the list of brands. since i was the one who suggested it, so might as well help along and lighten your (thor666) burden. thanks again!
^Yep. Saw a Genz Benz El Diablo too, not sure whether they're the distributor though.

Swee Lee: Jackson, Congress
Davis: SX, Grassroots
Ranking & Music Theme: Dean, Carvin, Crate, Ashdown(Music Theme only)
Guitar Connection: Warmoth
Luther:occasional Fender Japan, Squier
Esden Trading: Kustom, Suzuki

I think small items such as strings etc don't really need to be included as they can be bought almost anywhere. Just a thought.
Re: Where to get these products from these Brands?

thor666 said:
Ranking Sports
Road Ready, Floyd Rose (guitars), Boss, Aria

May I add to the list - Godin, "Floyd Rose" brand guitar & Dean Markley :wink:
Yamaha has Fernandes guitars/basses, Crate and Ampeg amps.
Davis brought in some Ampeg amps as well, not sure if they have distributorship though.
Sweelee has SWR amps too.

I'm not adding brands which shops carry secondhand or in a one-off as they always come and go.

esden sells sansamp stuff cheaper than gain10. i got my tri-a.c. for about 240 when gain10 listed it for 305!
EHX has some stuff at Wakemeup Shop.

Yamaha has some too, but I might be wrong. I do know that they've got Danelectro and Aphex pedals, though.

Die die you can probably get some from MrMisse... but I don't know if he's got any stock.
it's one of the 'behind' shops... you can go to the security dude at the info counter and ask him for the folder with all the shops in it.