Elixirs Acoustic and Electrics Strings available
Item (Price for 1 set / 2 sets / 12 sets)
Elixir Acoustic 80/20 Bronze Nanoweb ($22/$42/$246)
Elixir Acoustic 80/20 Bronze Polyweb ($22/$42/$246)
Elixir Acoustic Phosphor Bronze Nanoweb ($23.50/$45/$254)
Elixir Electric Nanoweb ($17/$32/$186)
The items will be posted to your home address within 2 days of payment. Payment via bank transfer will be preferred. I will pay for postage.
Kindly email me at bgwguitars@gmail.com directly with your email address, contact no. and postage address if interested. Thank you.

Item (Price for 1 set / 2 sets / 12 sets)
Elixir Acoustic 80/20 Bronze Nanoweb ($22/$42/$246)
Elixir Acoustic 80/20 Bronze Polyweb ($22/$42/$246)
Elixir Acoustic Phosphor Bronze Nanoweb ($23.50/$45/$254)
Elixir Electric Nanoweb ($17/$32/$186)
The items will be posted to your home address within 2 days of payment. Payment via bank transfer will be preferred. I will pay for postage.
Kindly email me at bgwguitars@gmail.com directly with your email address, contact no. and postage address if interested. Thank you.
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