Couple of covers


New member
As I said in my "introductory" thread I'd work on a few covers. Thankfully the neighbours around are quite gracious and somewhat heavy sleepers (I've knocked on doors and asked if they hear noises at night, all seems good:))

So here they are, leave comments, critique or a smile, whatever floats your boat :mrgreen:
Lifehouse - Hanging by a Moment
Lifehouse - You & Me
(Not too sure who it's by) - How could you say no/Thorns (This was recorded back in Australia, spent a good hour or so recording the layers. Used audacity and some microphone embedded in these cheapo pair of headphones)
Coldplay - The Scientist
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris (This is more so a test because I worked on a few tabs yesterday and wanted to see how it'd pan out while singing)
Keane - Somewhere Only We Know (This one's also a testrun since I'm quite new to the Keane scene, wanted to find out how my voice would fit in with the song)

They were all recorded in the past hour and a bit and I'm actually getting quite tired so maybe my voice could've sucked here and there, I dunno.
And that's about it, I'll update this I guess. Haven't played for and with anyone in a long time, gets kinda lonely :p
Oh, and I might be interested in joining a band following the above or more genres - It'd be great to work with a female vocalist as well, I've only had few chances back in Australia to sing a duet harmonizing back and forth... So, pop a PM or a post and I'll see what I can do :mrgreen:

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I've checked out You&Me and Iris, cos i sing these two as well (i'm thinking of doing covers of these 2... but anyway...) and well, here's my 1 cent worth.

I love the gruffness and that rock feel in these 2 songs. But i think you're lacking a bit in control. (I think i have it too towards the end of my phrases...but anyway...) Might wanna try using more air when you sing cos i think you sound pretty out of breath.

Thanks, decided to pop back just before I sleep.
With You&Me I agree with my lack of control - Ever since I started singing (Green Day, Switchfoot) I picked up a habit of gruffing my voice. I thought it was cool at the time and since it's become a habit it's hard to break out of it to sing to other styles. Unfortunately at my age my voice hasn't exactly deepened or matured in a sense so the gruffness really destroys the control.

As for the out of breath thing, I didn't really find myself struggling for air with You&Me and Iris. I should however mention that the mic I'm using are part of these "Azona" headphones my elder bro bought from SLS for $15. I forgot while recording the songs intermittently to move them from behind the monitor to the front of the desk since I usually turn up the gain for my recordings. I also played following the lyrics since I had not played You&Me for a very very very long time so I tend to get a bit jumpy with singing and playing at the same time when I'm trying to remember a chord while singing (like the bridge which I didn't actually end up remembering :)) or while reading the lyric realize that I had to repeat the chorus.

But overall I'm not all that satisfied with my singing anyway. Just gonna keep grinding until the songs gradually get a little easier to sing each time. In the mean time, this whole recording thing will be my little hobby to burn time :mrgreen:
