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Boss DF-2 - $150
Boss Super Feedbacker & Distortion, vintage Made in Japan, black label ACA type. Estimated made in 1989. Good working condition.
Korg LIM-1 - $150
Vintage Korg Limiter. No nonsense limiter with level, threshold, and release time controls. NOT a compressor/sustainer. I have it always on at the end of my chain to prevent blowing things up when I'm doing crazy wall of sound stuff, it does its job perfectly and lowers the volume above specified threshold, otherwise it stays out of the way quietly and without affecting playing dynamics at all. Only listing it because I need the cash.
Boss RDD-20 - $150
Vintage half-rack Boss delay. Will throw in a mini tap tempo for $20.
Korg ToneWorks 301dl Dynamic Echo - $120
Extremely powerful digital delay made in the 90's, with more options than many high-end delays today. Two presets, EIGHT controls (Time, Feedback, Level, High damp, Low damp, Pre-delay, Hi-fi/Lo-fi, Ducking). Capable of everything from pristine digital delay to super lo-fi sounds.
Radial Dragster - $50
Load correction by changing the impedance. Useful for pairing with wireless systems or other buffered inputs, or acting like an additional tone control.
MrMisse MP-1 - $90
Large MrMisse pedalboard / pedalcase in silver grooved finish. Measures 760 x 340 x 85mm. Good condition, original carpet replaced with better velcro, and has the added wheels and side handle but no keys.
Boss PS-6 Harmonist (not in picture) - trade only
Brand new in box. Only putting this up for trade, see below for what I want.
Will trade for pedals: Boss AC-3, Boss PS-3, EHX POG2, Maxon AF-9 Autofilter, Sansamp Para Driver DI, old Digitech PDS series delays/reverbs/others
Other stuff I'm interested in: Cioks AC10, TC Electronic Desktop Konnekt 6, Apogee One, Palmer PDI-09, old Casio or Yamaha sampler keyboards (SK-1, VSS-30 etc), Samson S-mix.
I'm also selling an Epiphone Les Paul Custom (Alpine White) and a J&D 7-string superstrat
Please PM me or SMS 91115425.