Shipping from the States!


New member
Need some advice on shipping options! I intend to buy some pedals off TGP, and would like to know what options I have (cheapest/safest/tracking). Sir Shredcow, do chime in! Thank you!
I have had em sent but other non courier methods - slow but I always receive ...However the best are the courier methods with AWB tracking. It costs though:rolleyes:
Need some advice on shipping options! I intend to buy some pedals off TGP, and would like to know what options I have (cheapest/safest/tracking). Sir Shredcow, do chime in! Thank you!

Many US-based TGP folks are averse to shipping overseas, so in cases where you can't convince them to ship to Singapore via USPS, get them to ship it to the VPOST Oregon addy, then you ship it over yourself via VPOST. Reasonable shipping rates, tho processing may take some time. Also, USPS does not offer international tracking, I believe.